Create visually appealing document that tells a story

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Reference no: EM132101143

Project - Visual Design

Introduction - This next project requires you to consider how information and data can be composed to create a visually appealing document that effectively tells a story. You will consider strategies for shaping research results into a compelling story that either persuades an audience to take action or informs an audience about the research. For this project you will produce 1) a written and an oral elevator speech, 2) a completion report, and 3) an infographic.

By the end of this module you should be able to

1. Identify the key components of two professional genres (an elevator speech and completion report) and write documents using the genres;

2. Identify the methods visual designers use to tell stories with images, graphs, and charts;

3. Select and use visual storytelling methods to compose a persuasive or expository infographic;

4. Produce images, graphs, and/or charts with graphic-editing software;

5. Produce an oral presentation with audio-recording/editing software;

Getting Started

Over the next week, as we analyze infographics, I want you to think about how information can be presented visually. You will decide on a topic for your infographic by brainstorming areas in which you have some "expert" knowledge.

Option 1

You have started to develop expertise in professional writing. If you are interested in producing an infographic about professional writing, I will form a Facebook group to discuss approaches to the topic and provide you with information sources. The group will look to define technical writing, technical communication and/or professional writing for different audiences. You have spent a few months now learning to write technical documents and using technical processes, but if you had to tell another student about the field of technical writing/technical communication/professional writing what would you tell them?

Option 2

You are free to produce an infographic on a topic that is appropriate for and of interest to a public audience. You should write a mission statement for your project that addresses why the subject is important for a public audience. The project should be interesting for this audience, so don't do common public service subjects like smoking, drug use, drinking and driving, etc.

Putting it Together

Step 1 - For both options, you will have to write an elevator speech (100-150 words).

Step 2 - You will record your elevator speech (1-2 minutes) and save the file as an .mp3.

Step 3 - The project does not require empirical research (surveys, interviews, etc.), but you will have to find sources of information from databases, the Internet, or print media.

Step 4 - The project emphasizes turning information (facts, statistics, etc.) into a compelling story. To make sure you have a good story, you should create a storyboard, a visual rough draft.

Step 5 - You will have to decide on a graphic-design program to use and learn how to use the program. If you are not familiar with graphic design programs, this step could take some time.

Step 6 - You will design an infographic based on your storyboard. Your infographic needs to include at least three sets of information divided into at least three visual frames. The emphasis is on creating a compelling story, so you need to have enough visual and textual information to tell the story.

Step 7 - You will write a completion report (a kind of analytical report) that introduces your infographic. Your completion report should include 1) an introduction that states the significance of the infographic and defines an audience for it; 2) a product narrative that summarizes the story the infographic is telling; 3) a design section that justifies visual design choices and discusses the limitations of your design; and 4) a conclusion that looks to the future of the project.

Reference no: EM132101143

Questions Cloud

Interesting pamphlet on customer relations : Ellen, who runs a successful nail salon, ran across a very interesting pamphlet on customer relations.
Calculate the total wage of the worker for the week : An hourly-paid worker have day shift pay rate of $12.50. If the worker works at night, he is paid night shift rate of $17.25.
Successful with retention of repatriates : How can employers be more successful with retention of repatriates?
Advantages and disadvantages of an organization : What would be advantages and disadvantages of an organization's Human Resources department aligning
Create visually appealing document that tells a story : This next project requires you to consider how information and data can be composed to create a visually appealing document that effectively tells a story
Write a procedure that accepts pointers to two arrays : Write a procedure that accepts pointers to two arrays of double words and the size of both arrays (The arrays are equal in length.).
How many values you had to examine to determine outcome : Look at the middle value of the array; if the value is found, you're done. Otherwise, the value is either greater or less than this value .
Write a series of functions that convert a decimal number : Write a series of functions that convert a decimal number into binary and octal.
What do the abbreviations stand for : What do the abbreviations stand for? How does each of them work? What are the limitations for the number of devices that can be connected for each of



8/31/2018 4:07:52 AM

Handing It In - Your written elevator speech will be 100-150 words and your audio recording between 1:00 to 1:30 minutes. The audio file must be in .mp3 format. Due by midnight. Your infographic will be a submitted as an image file (png, jpg) or pdf. Your completion report will be 500-800 words and submitted as a pdf. Due December 4 by midnight. The project is worth 20% of your grade. All components must be handed in for the project to be graded. Failure to hand in all components will result in a 0 for the project.

Write a Review

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