Reference no: EM133001194
DATA4100 Data Visualisation Software - Kaplan University
Creating a draft dashboard for a Business Problem
Your Task
This DRAFT Dashboard is to be created individually.
- Given a business problem and data, start to create visualisations and a dashboard in preparation for your final assessment.
Assessment Description
What do Germany export other than cars? Can we have a trade deal with them?
Business Background: Germany, Japan, the United States, Mexico, South Korea and Canada are the main exporters of cars, however they export many other products. Suppose that the Australian government are particularly interested in the products exported from Germany, as they are discussing trade deals. Imagine that you have been asked, as an analyst for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, to report on exports from Germany in particular. Furthermore, your written report will ultimately end up in the hands of the minister for trade and investment, so that the final decisions made are supported by data.
You will be given data listing other products exported from Germany and are to start designing a data dashboard for the report. Interpretation and integration of the theory will be left until assessment 4.
Data set
- Your teacher will send you the data file before class.
Assessment Instructions
- As an individual, open the data sets in the software of your choice. Most students will choose Power Bi, Tableau or Excel.
- Begin to explore visualisations which will enable you to report on the categories and particular of exports from Germany across the globe.
Create at least four visualisations.
- Start to apply clustering to the data set and any other analyses you think may be useful for your final report.
- As you create your charts, begin to consider what you have learnt about cognitive load and pre-attentive attributes. Write down at least four dot points.
- At the end of class, submit your draft via MyKBS, in the form of a software file.
Attachment:- Data Visualisation Software.rar
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