Create two virtual machines each running a different

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132132126

Assessment - Managing Services and Security

Task - In This Assignment your job is to create two Virtual machines each running a different but the latest distribution of Linux e.g. Ubuntu Server and CentOS. Each of these VM's is to offer services to a user base.

The Virtual Machines can be implemented using any hypervisor e.g. VMWare Player, Virtual Box or anything else you think is appropriate.

You can use bridged or host only networking when setting up these Virtual Machines. When implementing the Virtual Machines, rather then obtaining an address from the HyperVisors DHCP server you should ensure the addresses used are static and assigned from your network. YOU WILL NEED TO WORK OUT WHAT ADDRESS SPACE YOU ARE USING AND HOW IT WILL IMPACT YOUR LAN.

Part 1: Virtual Machine One - DNS & SSH Server

The first Virtual Machine should be installed and have the BIND (DNS) server installed on it. While you do not own any address space/ name space your name server should manage the following domains: saffioti

The name server should answer queries for this domain. In addition to the zone, a zone should be set up for the reverse zone - the reverse zone would be whatever the address range is of your virtual machine. You should do some research on how Bind handles reverse zones.

You should set up the zone with the usual information including SOA, NS and other records where appropriate. The address used for this should be the address of the virtual machine. You should give this Virtual Machine an A record with the name server1.You should also create a A record for server2.

In addition to this you should create an CNAME record with the name www. When a user does a lookup on the address returned should be that of the other virtual machine (Virtual Machine Two).

Be sure to create the appropriate reverse (PTR) records for the machines and to help other administrators be sure to put in place appropriate TXT records.

Once complete, you should fine tune your DNS Servers Virtual machine. Do this by disabling services that were installed but are not required. Be very careful not to break anything here. As a tip you will want to keep both DNS and SSH services active. Ensure both DNS and SSH are invoked at startup.

Finally harden this Virtual Machine using a firewall. Set up filters which allow access to the services possibly being access on the Virtual Machine from other hosts - specifically SSH and DNS. You can assume this incoming traffic can come from anywhere. You will need to make sure these rules always take affect at boot.

Test your virtual machine by setting your Host computer (i.e. the computer that is running the VM) Name Server to the address of the Virtual Machine. See if you can resolve queries for the A records create in saffioti i.e. server1 and www.

Document the entire process and challenges you experienced. You can install BIND from source or using your package manager.

Part 2: Virtual Machine Two

The second Virtual Machine is to have the LAMP software package installed. LAMP is a standard bundle in the Ubuntu Server platform.

Once complete set up this Virtual Machine to host a website using the Apache Web Server.

The Virtual Machine should have a statically assigned address which matches that specified in the A record for host www. Test your Apache Server Virtual Machine by using a web browser on another host and trying to browse the website saffioti.

Finally harden this host so that only services being used can be accessed by other machines. You will need to use IPTables.

Document the entire process and challenges you experienced.

Part 3: Remote File Access

Once you have set up the web server (in part 2) and tested it, install any FTP server. The FTP server would allow users to upload/ download files to the web server. Configure the server appropriately and then test from another host. You will need to make changes to your firewall configuration. In addition to this add a CNAME for ftp on the name server pointing to server2.

Document the entire process and challenges you experienced.

Part 4: Making DNS Robust

You are to also install bind on Virtual Machine Two and make it a secondary for the above domain. You can install this service from a package or configure from source.

Document the entire process and challenges you experienced.

Part 5: Simple Web Services

In Virtual Machine Two you set up a web server for the DNS name saffioti. The server is implemented using the HTTP protocol listening on port 80. Your challenge is to make the same site accessible using the HTTPS protocol. To do this set up SSL with a self signed certificate for the site.

Once configured correctly you should be able to access on both HTTP/HTTPS ports. Naturally you will need to make appropriate changes to your firewall rules.

Document the entire process and challenges you experienced.

Rationale - This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to apply technical knowledge to manage servers.
  • be able to investigate the layout of server file systems.
  • be able to plan, create and manage information services.
  • be able to design and write scripts to automate various server management tasks.
  • be able to justify an appropriate protection strategy for data and services.
  • be able to critically evaluate security policies and procedures.

In this assignment students will develop a understanding and appreciation for building complex services whilst considering impacts on security.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132132126

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10/5/2018 9:54:00 PM

The Assignment should be submitted on Turnitin. Your job in this assignment is to create two Virtual machines each running a different but the latest distribution of Linux e.g. Ubuntu Server and CentOS. Each of these VM’s is to offer services to a user base. Part 1: Virtual Machine One – DNS & SSH Server Ability to learn and use systems administration techniques. Application of technical knowledge. Explanation, Evidence and Referencing. Demonstrated working virtual linux server, name server and remote access which exceeds all functional requirements. Reflecting on your learning experience, providing evidence of insight and commenting on the acquisitions of new knowledge drawing from multiple sources.


10/5/2018 9:53:54 PM

Part 2: Virtual Machine Two - Ability to learn and use systems administration techniques. Application of technical knowledge. Explanation, Evidence and Referencing. Demonstrated working virtual linux server and services which exceeds all functional requirements. Reflecting on your learning experience, providing evidence of insight and commenting on the acquisitions of new knowledge drawing from multiple sources. Part 3: Remote File Access Ability to learn and use systems administration techniques. Application of technical knowledge. Explanation, Evidence and Referencing. Demonstrated working remote file management/ service which exceeds all functional requirements. Reflecting on your learning experience, providing evidence of insight and commenting on the acquisitions of new knowledge drawing from multiple sources.


10/5/2018 9:53:48 PM

Part 4: Making DNS Robust - Ability to learn and use systems administration techniques. Application of technical knowledge. Explanation, Evidence and Referencing. Demonstrated working DNS secondary server which exceeds all functional requirements. Reflecting on your learning experience, providing evidence of insight and commenting on the acquisitions of new knowledge drawing from multiple sources. Part 5: Simple Web Services - Ability to learn and use systems administration techniques. Application of technical knowledge. Explanation, Evidence and Referencing. Demonstrated working web server using HTTP and HTTPS which exceeds all functional requirements. Reflecting on your learning experience, providing evidence of insight and commenting on the acquisitions of new knowledge drawing from multiple sources.


10/5/2018 9:53:29 PM

Presentation - You should submit your assessment in a single word document which contains all components of your assignment. Use screenshots to provide evidence and details of the work you have done to compliment your written answers. You should reference where appropriate using an approve referencing style to support your work.

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