Create two functions that computes the given for each state

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132081378

You need some VBA(excel) help. This is what you was given: 'Review the data on the 'Data worksheet'.

The data represents the Sales Tax information for the 50-city States in US. 'Create two functions that computes the following for each state:

'StateTax: ListedPrice * State Tax Rate 'Local Tax Rate: ListedPrice * Local Tax rate 'Determine Sales Amount as: ListedPrice + StateTax + LocalTax 'TotalTax as StateTax + LocalTax 'DiscountOpportunity as: MINIMUM(ListPrice * 2%, SalesTax * 1.5%) These are the two subs I was given to work off of:

Sub Part-A() Open textfile userCarDealership.txt Read the first 25 records, and then display those 25 records as Tab-delimited rows/lines in ONE Messagebox. End Sub Sub Part-B() Open textfile userCarDealership.txt Read the first 25 records, and load the records into the spreadsheet. Note: the starting cell for the load is A2. End Sub.

Reference no: EM132081378

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