Create two classes employee and departments

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131564554


Write a program to allow the user to:

1. Create two classes. Employee and Departments.

The Department class will have: DepartmentID, Departmentname, DepartmentHeadName.

The Employee class will have employeeID, emploeename, employeesalary, employeeage, employeeDepartmentID.

Both of the above classes should have appropriate constructors, accessor methods.

2. Create two arrays . One for Employee with the size 7 and another one for Department with the size 3.

Your program should display a menu for the user to do the following:

1. Create Department. Collect all information about a department. Make sure the department ID does not already exist in the array containing Department objects. If it does not, then insert the Department object into the array. When the array is full, display the error message to the user "The array is full, you can not add any more departments"

2. Create Employee. Collect all information about an Employee. Make sure the Employee ID does not already exist in the array containing Employee objects. If it does not, then insert the Employee object into the array. Also make sure that the DepartmentID that the employee belongs also exists.

When the array is full, display the error message to the user "The array is full, you can not add any more Employees"

3. Write the data to the file. When the user selects this option, dump the information in each array into a separate file.

4. Retrieve data from file. When user selects this option, open each file, load the data from the file into the appropriate array.

5. Display Report: When user selects this option, go through arrays and display the total salary paid for each department.

Please make sure that when the user tries to exit the program without having saved the data, alert the user that the data has not been saved and will be lost. Proceed only if the user consents.

Reference no: EM131564554

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