Create two arrays with 5 elements each

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13308484

Using One Dimensional Parallel arrays.(C++ Program)

Create two arrays with 5 elements each: one will hold Strings and the second will hold integers.

Write a program to ask the user to enter 5 student names and their ages. Output the data from the parallel arrays.

Sample Run: Your program must run exactly like the example below.

Enter a student name: Joe

Enter a student name: Mark

Enter a student name: Mary

Enter a student name: Michelle

Enter a student name: Aaron

Enter Joe's Age: 25

Enter Mark's Age: 24

Enter Mary's Age: 35

Enter Michelle's Age: 19

Enter Aaron's Age: 65

Joe 25

Mark 24

Mary 35

Michelle 19

Aaron 65


Reference no: EM13308484

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