Create three variables of string data type

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM132084612

Objective: This assignment is designed to learn programming in VB.NET.

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(2 marks) In Visual Studio, create a VB.NET Console Application that does the following:

Create three variables of String data type, called firstNamelastName, and fullName respectively;

Assign your first name to the variable firstName;

Assign your last name to the variable lastName;

Concatenate the variable firstName, a string containing a space (i.e., " "), the variable lastName together, and then assign the result to the variable fullName;

Display your name in the console window using the statement Console.WriteLine(fullName)

(3 marks) In Visual Studio, create a VB.NET Console Application that does the following:

Create a variable of Integer data type, called marks;

Create a variable of String data type, called grade;

Assign 88 to marks;

Convert marks into grade as follows using the Select-Case statement:

























Display the values of marks and grade in the console window using the statements Console.WriteLine(marks) Console.WriteLine(grade)

(2 marks) Repeat Question 2 using the If-Then-ElseIf statement (instead of the Select-Case statement). Your output should be exactly the same as that of Question 2.

(3 marks) In Visual Studio, create a VB.NET Console Application that uses the While loop to display all leap years between 2017 and 2050. A leap year between 2017 and 2050 is a year that is an integer multiple of 4 (i.e., year Mod 4 = 0). For example, 2020 and 2040 are leap years. (Hint: you need both the While and If-Then statements.)

For each question, print the program and handwrite the output at the end of the printout of the program.


A cover page that contains your name and student number.

The printout of the four programs.

The handwritten outputs.

Reference no: EM132084612

Questions Cloud

Prepare the eliminating entries required for the preparation : Prepare the eliminating entries required for the preparation of a consolidated statements workpaper on December 31, 2014, assuming the use of the cost method
What is the amount of the capitalization of retained earning : What is the amount of the capitalization of retained earnings for the stock dividend - How many common shares are outstanding on each cash dividend date
Write the code for all the objects and submit hard copy : Provide the UML that shows the objects and the relationship. Write the code for all the objects and submit hard copy of the UML and the code.
How did the turks go about enacting their armenian policy : How did the Turks go about enacting their Armenian policy? Begin with the days leading up to and immediately following April 24th, 1915.
Create three variables of string data type : Create three variables of String data type, called firstName, lastName, and fullName respectively; Assign your first name to the variable firstName;
Securing control of the spice islands : What European power ended up securing control of the Spice Islands (Indonesia)?
What are the key features of an oodbms : How does an object-oriented database management system (OODMS) compare to a relational database management system (RDBMS)?
What was the predominant sector of the growing manufacturing : What was the predominant sector of the growing manufacturing economy of the 16th century? Name two regional centers of this industry.
Discuss about the i-o redirection in c shell : Your shell will need to support file redirection. Use the same syntax as defined in the Bash shell: a single '>' implies that one needs to redirect.


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