Reference no: EM13163332
a travel manager and have a job of buying a travel package for a customer. You must create three classes for this programming challenge: Customer, Ticket, and TravelManagerDemo.
A) Customer class
Must store:
-Customer name
-ID number
-Cruise Company
-Maxium available amount to spend(budget)
B)Ticket class
- To Use Customer class to report customer's data
-To Calculate total amount customer will pay using formula TotalPrice=TicketPrice +(TicketPrice + AgentCommission)
The Travel Manager takes 10% of commission of price ticket
C)TravelManagerDemo class
- To demonstrate collaboration of two base classes using aggregation
- To check if Total Price is not higher than Maxium available amount to spend(budget). The message should display: Price of ticket is below budget or price of ticket is above budget.
Hard code is to be used for Name, ID, Cruise and Maximum Avaiable(2000)