Create the use case diagram for the otmc system

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM131162874

Identify the use cases for the following system: Of the-Month Club (OTMC) is an innovative young firm that sells memberships to people who have an interest in certain products. People pay membership fees for one year and each month receive a product by mail. For example, OTMC has a coffee-of-the-month club that sends members one pound of special coffee each month. OTMC currently offers six memberships (coffee, wine, beer, cigars, flowers, and computer games), each of which costs a different amount. Customers usually belong to just one, but some belong to two or more. When people join OTMC, the telephone operator records the name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, credit card information, start date, and membership service(s) (e.g., coffee). Some customers request a double or triple membership (e.g., two pounds of coffee, three cases of beer). The computer game membership operates a bit differently from the others. In this case, the member must also select the type of game (action, arcade, fantasy/science fiction, educational, etc.) and age level. OTMC is planning to greatly expand the types of memberships it offers (e.g., video games, movies, toys, cheese, fruit, vegetables), so the system must accommodate this future expansion. OTMC is also planning to offer three-month and six-month memberships.

• Create the use case diagram for the OTMC system.
• Choose one use case diagram and create a sequence diagram.
• Create a class diagram for the OTMC system.
• Create a behavioral state machine diagram to depict one of the classes on the previous class diagram.

Reference no: EM131162874

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