Create the underlying database for a new point of sale

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131299688

Learning Team Instructions: Database and Presentation Overview

Your team has been asked by a small retail client, SmallMart, to create the underlying database for a new point of sale (POS) system. You will be going through the Database Development Life Cycle, beginning with the analysis of requirements and ending with the creation of a physical database, the creation of queries that will be used in reporting, and a presentation that will be delivered to the CEO of SmallMart.

• The POS database must support the following subsystems: Invoicing, Inventory Management, Customer Management, and Employee Management.

• Each of these subsystems must include a primary key and at least five different attributes using appropriate data types and the overall database must be normalized to at least the 3rd Normal Form. Foreign keys must be set up with constraints and relationships established between entities.

Reference no: EM131299688

Questions Cloud

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What factors must you consider in making your decision : You can put the money in a money market account at your bank and pay off your car loan, or you can invest the money in mutual funds. What factors must you consider in making your decision?
How would you respond to the complaints of given athletes : Aafter every Olympics, a number of medal-winning athletes lament their lack of commercial recognition. From a branding perspective, how would you respond to the complaints of these athletes?
Create the underlying database for a new point of sale : Your team has been asked by a small retail client, SmallMart, to create the underlying database for a new point of sale (POS) system.
Which retailers have the strongest image and equity : Think of the country in which you live. What image might it have with consumers in other countries? Are there certain brands or products that are highly effective in leveraging that image in global markets?
Minimum of one full page summary of the white paper : Using the internet, go to the SANS Institute website ( enter the Reading Room. Pick one of the white papers that you find particularly interesting. Write a minimum of one full page summary of the white paper.
Analyze the basic skills and tools needed for budgeting : Identify and explain one to two (1-2) challenges you will have in managing the budget. (Title this section Budget Challenges.) Recommend two to three (2-3) strategies the agency should review regarding new initiatives and budget cuts over the next ..
The biggest challenges in conducting a brand audit : What do you see as the biggest challenges in conducting a brand audit? What steps would you take to overcome them?


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