Create the same tables and plots given in the paper

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Reference no: EM131462605

R Programming Assignment

Refer to the "Uniqueness of Demographics (Links to an external site.)" paper.

Using the Census 2010 data (available here), recreate the same tables and plots given in the paper.

(i) Table 1: Fraction of U.S. population uniquely identifiable by {gender, location, date of birth}. Location is either a 5-digit ZIP code or County name

(ii) Figure 1: Percentage anonymity of U.S. population by age given {gender, ZIP code, full date of birth}; 3 different anonymity levels

(iii) Figure 2: Percentage anonymity of U.S. population by age given {gender, county, full date of birth}; 3 different anonymity levels (iv) Figure 3: Anonymity set size of U.S. population by age given {gender, ZIP code, year of birth}; 3 different percentile ranges

(v) Figure 4: Anonymity set size of U.S. population by age given {gender, county, year of birth}; 3 different percentile ranges Your R code should generate all the data required for the plots, and also the plots. The table boxes need not be created in R. Include comments to state which part does what.

Create a pdf document with all tables/figures, and a few words summarizing each table/figure (like in the paper). Data Set The data set contains one folder for each state. File names containing _ZCTA have number of individuals of a given age and gender for each ZIP code.

File names containing _COUNTY have the same information for each county. You can ignore files with _CT in their names (this one has data per census tract).

the paper"Uniqueness of demographic" is the attached census PDF, and the data set you need to use is the census zip. that's all stuff that you need. and the function to estimate the date of birth you can find it in the paper. if you have any question about how understand the function please let me know. But please read the paper carefully first, it will help you a lot.

Article - Revisiting the Uniqueness of Simple Demographics in the US Population by Philippe Golle

Attachment:- census.pdf

Reference no: EM131462605

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4/14/2017 5:21:01 AM

the paper”Uniqueness of demographic” is the attached census PDF, and the data set you need to use is the census zip. that’s all stuff that you need. and the function to estimate the date of birth you can find it in the paper. if you have any question about how understand the function please let me know. But please read the paper carefully first, it will help you a lot.


4/14/2017 5:20:55 AM

(v) Figure 4: Anonymity set size of U.S. population by age given {gender, county, year of birth}; 3 different percentile ranges Your R code should generate all the data required for the plots, and also the plots. The table boxes need not be created in R. Include comments to state which part does what. Create a pdf document with all tables/figures, and a few words summarizing each table/figure (like in the paper). Data Set The data set contains one folder for each state. File names containing _ZCTA have number of individuals of a given age and gender for each ZIP code. File names containing _COUNTY have the same information for each county. You can ignore files with _CT in their names (this one has data per census tract).


4/14/2017 5:20:49 AM

Refer to the "Uniqueness of Demographics (Links to an external site.)" paper. Using the Census 2010 data (available here), recreate the same tables and plots given in the paper. (i) Table 1: Fraction of U.S. population uniquely identifiable by {gender, location, date of birth}. Location is either a 5-digit ZIP code or County name (ii) Figure 1: Percentage anonymity of U.S. population by age given {gender, ZIP code, full date of birth}; 3 different anonymity levels (iii) Figure 2: Percentage anonymity of U.S. population by age given {gender, county, full date of birth}; 3 different anonymity levels (iv) Figure 3: Anonymity set size of U.S. population by age given {gender, ZIP code, year of birth}; 3 different percentile ranges (v)

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