Create the personal geodatabase with domain propertiessetup

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Reference no: EM13973505

Project: Topology in Geodatabase

1. Objectives

Thegoalofthisprojectistodesignandcreateatopologicallyconsistentgeodatabase over the Purdue campus area, with the followingobjectives

• Digitize and edit point, line and polygonfeatures
• Create a topologic consistentgeodatabase

2. Data provided or to beused

• Tutorial for ArcGIS Editing and related data for an easystart.
• A shapefile (named as Assignment) with a number of polygons, each ofwhichdefines the working area of a classmate. Note: One classmate may be assignedto more than one polygonarea.
• Indiana Stata ortho-rectified images over Purdue campus and itsvicinity
• Note - you may also use the base map service provide byArcGIS.

3. Tasks

• Build thegeodatabase
• Clean/correct the provided assignment shapefile so that it isgeometrically ‘accurate' and topologicallyconsistent
• Digitizeallpolygon(thelandcoverlayer)featuresandlinear(thestreet/road layer) features within your assignmentarea(s).
• Check/correct the topology within the landcover layer, within the street layer,and between the twolayers.

4. Suggestedprocedure

1) Create the personal geodatabase with domain propertiessetup

o Define land cover types: Buildings, Water, Pavement (for Road),Parks(including large areas of lawns and trees ), Bare land (includingparking and small trees and lawns etc.), Others (all as onetype)

o Define Road types: Street, County Road, State Road, InterState,Others.

2) Create a feature dataset (e.g. Digitization) with spatial reference NAD 83UTM16N. Setup metric inmeters.

3) Add relevant Esri Base Map services to ArcMap ifneeded

o In ArcMap, choose Add Data > Add BaseMap. You may searchand choose the following service layers whenneeded

- CountyOrtho
- OpenStreetMap
- Streets_Centerlines_IDHS

4) Clean the provided Assignment shapefile by using the County Ortho asbkgrd

o Import the provided Assignment shapefile as a feature class. Createa Topology for the Assignment feature class under appropriaterules.
Evaluate the topological inconsistence, ifany.
o Import other data into the Digitization feature dataset asneeded.
o Use Editor and Topology (under the Standard Menu bar of ArcMap)to clean the Assignment featureclass
o Save the edited Assignment feature class (version 1) and re-generateitsTopology (version1).
o Repeat the above two steps (editing and topology check) untilsatisfactoryresults arereached.

5) Digitization of your assigned workingarea

o Under the Digitization feature dataset, create a polygon feature class(e.g. Land Cover). Associate its attributes to the domain properties ofthe database.

o Digitize the land cover and assign its type by using the domainpropertieso Repeat the topology check in 4) for your digitized land cover featureclasso Apply topology check between your assigned working area and theland cover.

• Repeat the above steps for digitizing the roads in your working area.Note:roads may be digitized as centralline

- Check the topology of all three layers: your working area, land use,and roads.

Reference no: EM13973505

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