Reference no: EM133180234
For this assignment, students are to:
- Conduct two mock performance appraisal interviews via live videoconferencing (Collaborate) (10%)
- Develop a comprehensive Performance Management Appraisal Report (10%)
The assignment is to be completed in pairs. Students are to pick a team member and inform your instructor your names before the end of Unit 3. If you do not pick a team member, one will be assigned to you.
The assignment has two situations (see case below) where mock performance appraisal interviews are to be conducted. In the 1st situation, students will play either the manager or the employee and in the second situation the roles are reversed. (i.e., if you were the manager in the first situation, then you become the employee in the second situation and vice versa).
Note: The mock performance appraisal interviews will be conducted using the Collaborate program (which is accessible in D2L). To participate in these sessions, you will require a Webcam, and adequate microphone and speakers (a headset with microphone works best). The instructor will provide additional information, including a schedule of sessions, on the Discussion Forum.
You will need to access the following files to complete your assignment:
- Evaluation Scheme for Performance Appraisal Interview
- Performance Management Report Evaluation
In addition to the mock performance appraisal interview, students are to complete a comprehensive written report containing the following items:
Before the Meeting:
- Using the information in Unit 4 and 6 create the performance appraisal/development form that you will use in your appraisal interviews. You may use the same form in both situations or create two separate ones. The blank form (s) is to be submitted in your report.
- In 1 - 2 pages, outline the steps that you will take to prepare for the performance appraisal interviews. Include any documents that will be used.
- Each student who portrays the manager will write a 1 - 2 page summary of the issues that they will document and discuss with the employee in each situation.
- Each student will then prepare the performance appraisal document that they will use in the performance appraisal interview. The prepared form (s) is to be submitted in your report. Hint: As there are two situations, the content of the form (s) should be different.
During the Meeting:
Students are evaluated during the performance appraisal interview (see forms above). Students who portray the employee's role in the performance appraisal interview are encouraged to make the appraisal interview as realistic as possible and to be respectful of each other.
After the Meeting:
- Each student who portrays the manager during the Performance Appraisal Interview must finish completing the Performance Appraisal document/development plan and submit this with their report.
- The student who portrays the employee during the Performance Appraisal Interview will evaluate the other student's performance as a manager/coach during the interview. The evaluation should consist of a page summary. Hint: Review information on coaching.
Case Study: World Wide Conference Center, Inc.
World Wide Conference Center, Inc. (WWCC) is a large telecommunication company specifically in business for the purpose of providing video conferencing to clients around the world. You are the supervisor of the internal local area network section of the IT department. There are numerous opportunities for advancement within the company for all of the highest ranking employees.
You are in charge of fifteen employees, all of whom are technicians responsible for keeping the company's internal network functioning properly. There are employees with many levels of experience--from brand new employees just out of college to employees with ten years of experience within the company.
The following two employees are due to have their performance appraisal:
- You have recently noticed that Sarah, who has worked in your unit for six years, has been having difficulty finishing work in an appropriate amount of time. You have had two meetings with her about this issue and have been unable to determine the problem because Sarah has become defensive in both meetings. Her specific response is usually along the lines of, "I've worked here for a long time and never had any problems. Why are you harassing me now?"
Sarah's performance appraisal meeting is due in three weeks' time and you plan to address the issues in that meeting.
- Tim, a new employee, has begun working for you. He has no experience except what he gained as a college student and is eager to become a competent and ideal employee.