Create the patientper table with the patientid columns

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131062134

Submit the assignment in a word document format, DON't USE SQL CODE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT

Use Oracle Database Management System Interface to:

create the following tables:

PATIENTPER table with the following columns:


Select the proper data type, size and the proper null/not null constraints as needed. In addition you need to assign primary key.

PATIENTMHIS table with the following columns:


Select the proper data type, size and the proper null/not null constraints as needed. In addition you need to assign primary key

IMAGINGORDER table with the following columns:


Select the proper data type, size and the proper null/not null constraints as needed. In addition you need to assign primary key

LABORDER table with the following columns:


Select the proper data type, size and the proper null/not null constraints as needed. In addition you need to assign primary key

INUSRANCEINFO table with the following columns:


Select the proper data type, size and the proper null/not null constraints as needed. In addition you need to assign primary key

Add CHECK constraints to the INSURANCEINFO to limit Provider column to be within the following group only (United, AvMed, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicare, Medicare)

Add a column to the PATIENTPER table called AdmissionDate
INSERT at least three rows into each table.

Use the proper columns to connect the tables with each other creating relational database (Hint: I used the MemberID to connect PATIENTPER and INSURANCEINFO, you need to connect the other tables the way you properly see it)

Use Oracle to create a report about the different columns in the created tables.


You don't need to write the SQL code for this assignment

Provide a snapshot from Oracle for (the tables that you created, the tables including the data that you inserted, The tables constraints specially for the PATIENTPER table after adding the check constraints, the customer table after adding the new column, also a snap shot of the relational database with all tables connected and a snap shot of a report about the different columns)

Submit the assignment in a word document format

To copy paste the snapshots from Oracle use the buttons (Alt) and (Print Screen), simultaneously, on your keyboard then paste into word.

Reference no: EM131062134

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