Reference no: EM132245854
How can Dell effectively read please- provide a word document to make powerpoint
Your team has been given the assignment to create the operating model for a new store division of an existing brand and retailer. While the target customer and product mix might be similar, your team will create and propose a new/updated Store Operating Model for this division to the class, who will act as Senior Management and Board of Directors.
The Store Operating Model will encompass all of the elements we have observed and covered in class this semester.
These elements include:
Store Management and Staffing - Desired Employee Characteristics
Staff Roles, Compensation and Training
Target Location, Store Layout and Design Features
Customer Programs
In store Technology
Customer Service levels
As a team, identify which elements (at least 3) that will make your concept different and unique from other existing stores, and particularly your competition. Your Operating Model should involve Critical Thinking/Innovation and Creativity.
Your plan should be a Power Point presentation (limited to 15 slides) that will also serve as your report for the project.
Plan your presentation to run 15-20 minutes. Following the presentation there will be an open debate with the “Board” on whether the team’s program will be successful or not, along with written feedback by the “Senior Management and Board of Directors”.
Your participation as a team in the presentation and discussion will be part of the team’s overall grade.
In preparation for the team oral presentation and power point each team will:
1. Use your research skills and information/knowledge gained during the semester from class discussion, guest speakers and field trips to identify opportunities that will be the basis of your project.
2. Visit retail stores and websites
3. Support your program with visuals (power points, etc.)
4. Include all sources for research in a properly formatted bibliography.
1. Identification of the elements that will make your concept unique and successful. (Creativity and innovation will enhance the score) 20%
2. Identification/discussion of the key Operating Elements25%
3. Use of Critical Thinking/Creativity to support your program15%
4. Quality of written presentation 15%
5. Quality of verbal presentation15%
6. Debate participation 10%
Total 100%address the root cause contributing to the increase of L5 manufacturing?