Create the logic for a program that accepts input values

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13802184

Complete the labs using Visual Logic in which you:

  1. Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output. For full credit, the program must function correctly, produce the correct answer, and be logically succinct.
  2. Write a short answer (four to five [4-5] sentences) in the comment text box located with the assignment submission link to the following:
    1. A summary of the technical experiences that you used in completing this lab.
    2. The commands that were of greatest benefit to you.
    3. Your general comments on the overall lab experience.

a. Design the logic for a program that allows a user to enter 15 numbers, then displays each number and its difference from the numeric average of the numbers entered.

b. Modify the program in Exercise 2a so that the user can enter any amount of numbers up to 15 until a sentinel value is entered.

c. Create the logic for a program that accepts input values for the projected cost of a vacation and the number of months until vacation. Pass both values to a method that displays the amount you must save per month to achieve your goal.

Reference no: EM13802184

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