Create the hr database using sql data files

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131887051


Need to take the SQL files included to create the HR database (sql to create included).

Then need to have a couple sub-views created. Will require detailed creation steps with screenshots of the steps.

Also, need to critique 2 additional videos with 100-150 words each critique.


1. Go to the web site below and watch the video How to Create a SubView.

2. Demonstrate what you learned from the video. Use the HR database (sql files included to create the HR).

a. Place screenshots below that show the SubViews you created. Provide a description of each subView. 2 subviews needed with detailed steps to create with screenshots

3. Select 2 other videos and view them.

a. Summarize what you learned from each video. Critique the video and explain why you would or would not recommend the video as a resource for advanced relational / object-relational database systems class.

4. List at least three resources in APA style that you used to complete the tasks.

5. List three things that you learned from this task.

Attachment:- SQL Data.rar

Reference no: EM131887051

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