Create the following queries on the database

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13930141

Create the following queries on the attached ITD640_B database and save them all in a file called ITD640_P5.SQL . Remember to

define what database to use with a USE statement.

- Using a join, get the full details of all the employees who are working on the Harvest Ball promotion.

- Get the promotion names (duplicates eliminated) being worked on by employees from the Rocky Mountain Produce store.

- Get the last names of all the employees who are working on promotion P1.

- Get the employee numbers and start dates of all the employees with start dates equal to the earliest date.

- Insert yourself in the employee table using the last five digits of your phone number as the employee number and show

yourself as working for Rocky Mountain Produce. Then show all the records in the employee table.

- Delete yourself from the employee table by matching your employee number, and then show all of the records in the employee




Reference no: EM13930141

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