Create the customer profile table with relevant fields

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13888837

Section A - MS Access

AsiaSportW Pte Ltd, is a company that is selling a range of sportswear online. The range of products carried by the company include:

• Top's, T-Shirts and Polo Shirts
• Sports Shoes
• Sports Accessories

Mr. Paul Tan, the Director of Marketing has recruited you to create a Sales and Inventory Database Management System using Microsoft Access. The purpose of the database is to allow the company to keep track of data pertaining to the customers, suppliers, payments, delivery, quantity of products available in the inventory and quantity of items being purchased by each customer.

Part 1 - Design of Database

You are required to design the following tables in a database for the company and create the SIX tables from (a) to (f) in Microsoft Access.

(a) Customer Profile Table with relevant fields for capturing information related to the customers such as customers' address, phone number, payment method and delivery address.

(b) Customer Order Table with relevant fields for capturing the products and quantity sold to each customer, delivery schedule and the 3rd party logistic company being used to do the delivery. Each customer may buy more than one item and at different times.

(c) Customer Relationship Table with relevant fields for capturing the dates and various promotions messages being sent to the customers.

(d) Supplier Profile Table with relevant fields for capturing information related to the suppliers such as suppliers' address, phone number, fax number, email, payment terms and contact person.

(e) Product Inventory Table with relevant fields for capturing the product details, product image, quantity available, cost price and selling price and supplier name.

(f) 3rd Party Logistic Companies Table with relevant files for capturing information related to the logistic companies being engaged for deliveries.

Part 2 - Primary Keys and Foreign Keys

(a) Identify the relevant primary and foreign keys for all of the tables above.

(b) Define the primary keys in the MS Access tables.

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Reference no: EM13888837

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