Create the corresponding relational data model

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13780258

Create the corresponding relational data model by implementing the database for within the course's mySQL site, linked on the course's homepage within Blackboard. Be sure to populate your tables with dummy data, providing me with the SQL scripts used to create the tables and insert the data into the actual database within a Word document. You need only to have enough data so that your queries (explained below) can be processed and not a complete product or customer inventory.

For this project, you will also create at a minimum 10 important SELECT queries that you need for the day to day management and maintenance of the operation of the site to turn raw data into useful information. In other words, these should all be SELECT statements that administration or the site itself would actually process to present data to the user or management. Run the queries against your database to ensure the results are correct. Justify why each of the queries you created are important to the application in a written report. Be sure that you make the best use of the data that you can.

I will look for at least two major areas in your implementation. (a) First, I will check the structure of the tables - has entity and referential integrity been enforced and does the structure of your relational database match the ER diagram you submitted as deliverable #2 (b) most importantly, do you have queries that support the transactions associated with Remember that I will be looking for and grading 10 queries, but at the same time, I grade on a difficulty scale. Points will be awarded based on complexity, meaning I am looking for aggregate information, joins, etc. and not just statements such as select * from users, etc. As an example, you may have 10 queries, but if one is a very simple and not very useful query, it may get only 2 points (each is worth 7 with the other points given to the database's integrity structure). Also, make sure no query or report produces a null output. I must see data in the output for all queries/reports. Remember, and I reiterate, grading for the queries/reports will be based on the complexity of the queries. Simple queries are allowed, but are awarded very few points.

Reference no: EM13780258

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