Create the computational geometry in design modeler

Assignment Help Mechanical Engineering
Reference no: EM132376221 , Length: 2 pages

Advanced Flow Modelling


To model and investigate using Computational Fluid Dynamics, the airflow and particle separation in a bifurcating duct.


ANSYS Fluent will be used as currently available at UTS.



Fig 1: Schematic of the computational domain

The fluid flowing through the domain is air, with the following properties at 20 °C:
Air Density, ρ = 1.2 kg/m3 Dynamic viscosity, μ = 1.81 x 10-5 Pa.s
Particle Size: 2-µm and 10- µm Particle Density: 1550 kg/m3

The boundary conditions for all the CFD models are:
Inlet velocity = 0.5 m/s, and 1.5 m/s Outlet Pressure = Zero Pressure or Outflow outlet
Wall Boundary Condition = Reflect, Stationary Wall

Velocity at walls = 0 m/s (no slip) Flow = Turbulent
Note: Particles will be injected through the inlet surface of the duct and all particles will be injected at once.

Procedure and discussion points:

1. Create the computational geometry in DesignModeler/ Solidwroks/any CAD software with the mentioned dimensions.

2. Build an appropriate mesh for the model. This will necessitate to run the simulations and make a grid refinement study presenting the results for different grids for 1.5 m/s inlet velocity.

3. Using the converged grid, check the iterative convergence for all cases.

4. Using the converged grid, run the simulation for 0.5 m/s and 1.5 m/s inlet velocity.

5. Chart the axial velocity profiles u(y) at any position of the bifurcating ducts for 0.5 m/s and 1.5 m/s, and compare your results.

6. Discuss the turbulence intensity for different inlet velocity.

7. Plot the wall shear for 1.5 m/s and discuss.

8. Plot the velocity contours for 1.5 m/s and discuss the flow characterization.

9. Show the particle trajectories at 0.5 m/s and 1.5 m/s, and discuss.

10. Calculate the particle separation rate at the bifurcating outlets for all cases. Plot the findings and discuss.

11. Draw the velocity vectors for all cases and discuss.

12. Verify your results with the existing literature.

Reference no: EM132376221

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9/25/2019 2:53:24 AM

The report should have a list of group member names and student numbers. The report should be signed and dated by each group member. No digital signature will be accepted and without signature individual mark will not be updated. Individual contributions need to mention with the final report. No individual submission will be accepted.


9/25/2019 2:53:17 AM

A written report is to be submitted including a short introduction and conclusion (one page long for each). The report should contain a discussion of the points bolded above with evidence to support the discussion together with relevant figures such as figures illustrating the mesh or element distribution, plots of the velocity profiles, contour plots, etc. A single copy of the group report is to be submitted no later. Only 1 report submission per group. Please note that no late submission will be accepted for evaluation.

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