Create the class diagram and write the pseudocode

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13945425

Question 1

What is the screen output of the following code segment? Explain the reasoning behind your answer.

Test1 = 70
Test2 = 98
Test3 = 84
NumberOfTests = 3
Average = (Test1 + Test2 + Test3) / NumberOfTests
IF Average >= 90 THEN
Output = "Great job"
Output = "Your average is: ", Average
IF Average >= 80 or Average <=89 THEN
Output = "Nice work"
Output = "Your average is: ", Average
Output = "You will better next time!"

Question 2

What screen output does the following code segment produce?
p = 2
q = 4
while p < q
Output = "Adios"
r = 1
while r < q
output = "Adios"
r = r + 1
p = p + 1

Question 3

Design a program that allows a user to enter 10 numbers, then displays them in the reverse order of their entry. You
must use an Array as your data structure.

Question 4

Design a class named CustomerRecord that holds a customer number, name, and address. Include methods to set
the values for each data field and output the values for each data field. Create the class diagram and write the
pseudocode that defines the class.

Question 5

Design an application in which you declare an array of five numbers and store five values in the array. Write a try block in which you loop to display each successive element of the array, increasing a subscript by one on each pass through the loop. Assume you are working with a language that automatically creates an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when a subscript is not correct for an array. Create a catch block that catches the exception if it is generated and displays the message, "Now you've gone too far."

Reference no: EM13945425

Questions Cloud

Determine profit or loss-determine the breakeven point : CMG is currently trading at $610 per share. You buy a put option on CMG computers at a strike price of $600 with March maturity. You pay a put premium of $34 per share for this option. Determine your profit or loss if. Determine the breakeven point
Why capm equation might be more relevant : Explain with a graph how SML is different from CML. Why CAPM equation might be more relevant than other equationswhen calculating required rate of returnshow your calculation.
Market rate of interest : the market rate of interest is equal to the stated rate of interest on the bond
Indeed by the second world war : By mid-century, indeed by the Second World War, was a strong reaction against the pretentions of the Moderns. Artists of this newer generation pursued a more democratic, pluralistic mode for poetry and the novel.
Create the class diagram and write the pseudocode : What is the screen output of the following code segment? Explain the reasoning behind your answer.
Even though the united states was founded : We still have to support our state, local governments, school boards, water and sewage districts, libraries, sheriffs, etc.
The annual commissions per salesperson employed : The annual commissions per salesperson employed by a retailer of mobile communication devices averaged $40,000, with a standard deviation of $5,000. What percent of the salespersons earn between $32,000 and $42,000?
Explain how the organization divides work : Differentiate between span of control and span of managerial responsibility within the organization. Decide whether the organization would be better run as a bureaucracy or an adhocracy. Explain your decision. Explain how the organization divides wor..
What is margin of safety : Swimkids is a swimsuit manufacturer. They sell swim suits at a selling price is $30 per unit. Swimkids variable costs are $18 per unit. Fixed costs are $81,100. Swimkids expects sales of $288,000 next year. What is Swimkids's margin of safety?


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