Create the appropriate constructor, getters and setters

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13159366

 pseudocode the program first. Include appropriate comments.

  1. Create a string array and add the following names:
    1. Boney, Sam
    2. Inovera, Marge
    3. Moore, Bruno
    4. Steem, Lois
    5. First, Hugo
  2. Display the names in the array, one per line
  3. Sort that array into alphabetical order by last name
  4. Display the names in the array, one per line
  5. Create a second string array; using your imagination to match the following jobs with the names in step 2 and place the job names into the new array in the same order as the sorted name array
    1. Bungi jumping instructor
    2. Caffeine addiction counselor
    3. Statistician
    4. Assertiveness training coordinator
    5. Ice rink manager
  6. Display the job array, one per line
  7. Display the names and their corresponding jobs, separated by 5 space, one name and job per line.
  8. Create a class called Student represented by the following UML:


-lastname: string
-firstname: string
-grade: string

-job: string
-percentage: float


  1. Create the appropriate constructor, getters and setters for the class.
  2. Create an instance of Student for each of the students listed above from array. Construct the instance with lastname, firstname, and job.
  3. Ask the user to input a percentage (in the range 00.00 to 100.00) for each student. Store the percentage in the class instance.
  4. Create the calcGrade function to generate a letter grade from the percentage for each student according to the grading stand below. Store the grade in the class instance.


93 - 100%


90 - 92%


87 - 89%


83 - 86%


80 - 82%


77 - 79%


73 - 76%


70 - 72%


65 - 69%


0 - 64%

  1. Display each instance of the class in this order: First Name, Last Name, Grade, Job.



Reference no: EM13159366

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