Create the application or a web site for a business

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM13977435

Create the application and/or a web site for a business (choice is yours).

You must use five (3) programming techniques discussed in this class.

Should be database driven with at least 25 products.

Compile and test the application before you submit it.

Reference no: EM13977435

Questions Cloud

Validity of probability assignments : Answer the following questions regarding the validity of probability assignments. If you answer false, explain why the statement is false.
What is q in degrees : She fires a very brief blast from her jetpack, which almost immediately gives her a speed of 3.7 m/s horizontally. She swings up along a circle and comes to a stop when her thread makes an angle q relative to the vertical. What is q in degrees?
Probabilities of various events relating : A company manages three different mutual funds. Let A; be the event that the ith mutual fund increases in value on a given day. Probabilities of various events relating to the mutual funds are given as follows:
What types of tax law guidance are publishe : Briefly explain how a tax bill becomes a tax law. What role does the Internal Revenue Service play in interpreting, and providing guidance on, the tax law? What types of tax law guidance are published by
Create the application or a web site for a business : Create the application and/or a web site for a business (choice is yours). You must use five (3) programming techniques discussed in this class. Should be database driven with at least 25 products
The optional reading material : Give five examples of English words (NOT from Chapter 7, web lecture 3.3 or any of the optional reading material) whose meanings have shifted from the original roots. Explain which process (metaphor or metonymy) and which result (narrowing, widening,..
Identify the procedure : The procedure is actually quite simple. First, you arrange things into different groups. Of course, one pile maybe sufficient depending on how much there is to do. If you have to go somewhere else because of lack of facilities, that is the next steps..
What is the speed of the mass : A 20-g bead is attached to a light 120 cm-long string as shown in the figure. If the angle α is measured to be 18Ao, what is the speed of the mass?
Statistical abstract of the united states : For adults age 65 and older, 82% take prescription drugs regularly. For adults age 18 to 64, 49% take prescription drugs regularly. The age 18-64 age group accounts for 83.5% of the adult population (Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2008)..


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