Create system in java using agile approach

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM1348932

Q1) You are a software manager in a company that develops critical control software for aircraft. You are responsible for the development of a software design support system that supports the translation of software requirements to a formal software specification. Comment on the advantage of the following development strategies:
Develop the system in Java using an agile approach with a user involved in the development team.

Reference no: EM1348932

Questions Cloud

Some economists prefer to use term business fluctuations : Some economists prefer to use the term businessfluctuations rather than business cycles toSome economists prefer to use the term business fluctuations rather than business cycles to discuss the historical growth record in the united states because..
Find the speed of the golf ball just after impact : The length of a string is 456 cm. It is held ?xed at each end. The string vibrates in three sections; i.e., the string has three antinodes and string vibrates at 180 Hz.
Organizational development consultant role : Show the range of process intervention tools available to use and how each is used to manage conflict during the change
Calculate the company horizon value : A company estimates the following free cash flows during the next three years, after which FCF is expected to grow at a constant 6 percent rate.
Create system in java using agile approach : You are a software manager in company which designs critical control software for aircraft. Create system in Java using agile approach with a user involved in the development team.
Research for change management plan : what level of direct involvement should you have in creation of the Change Management Plan and Should you be the primary author or should you delegate most of the responsibilities?
Cultural influences on human development : Explain how each theory explains cultural influences on human development and include specific examples.
Calculate the mass of the planet from this information : If 20 grams of hot water at 80 C is poured into a cavity in a very large block of ice at 0 C, what will be the final temperature of the water in the cavity? How much ice should melt in order to cool the hot water down to this temperature.
Explain how a change agent ensues stakeholders accept change : When implementing a change effort, how does the change agent ensure that all stakeholders will accept the process and what are some steps you can implement if the stakeholder will not accept the process?


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