Create structure chart-flowchart to store taxpayer-s name

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Reference no: EM1388823

Create the structure chart, also a flowchart and pseudocode, for following problem. Suppose that each input record contains taxpayer's name, the value of personal property belonging to taxpayer, and code defining type of personal property owned. Each kind of property is taxed at unique rate. Codes, property types, and tax rates follow:

Code property type tax rate
1 bike 2 percent of value
2 car 4 percent of value
3 truck 5 percent of value

Your program is to calculate tax for each property and to output line specifying the taxpayer's name, value of property, and tax. Program must output counts of numbers of bikes, cars and trucks for which taxes are computed, with suiatble labels. Write down report heading and column headings, also a page number on every page, with 55 detail lines per page. Also include initial IF and modular design. Output error message if input contains an invalid code value. Suppose the code of 0 indicates end of the input file.

Reference no: EM1388823

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