Create stored procedures to support retrieval of the data

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131698407

Assignment Objectives

Write SQL queries to solve information retrieval problems of moderate complexity using a given relational database.

Length: Paper of 4-5 pages (excluding references and cover page) + Database System Plan template.

Scholarly references and articles only.

Key Assignment Draft

You have been asked to develop a database system plan for a local company (or a company of your choosing) that wants to track its customers/clients, appointments, billing, and employees. Structured query language (SQL) is used to create the database schema, maintain the database records, and perform administrative tasks. In addition to the Database System Plan template that includes section headings (project outline), submit a SQL Statements document of 4-5 pages based on the entity relationship (ER) model completed in Week 3.

Complete the following:

• Include SQL statements that use data definition language (DDL) commands to create the database schema specified in the ER diagram created in Week 3.

o Include indexes, constraints, and relationships.

• Include SQL statements that use data manipulation language (DML) to do the following:

o INSERT 15 records into each table.

o UPDATE 5 sets of records in each table using one specific criteria per update statement (e.g., EXACT MATCH, LIKE, BETWEEN, IN, or HAVING).

o DELETE 2 records from 1 table based on specific criteria (e.g., EXACT MATCH or LIKE).

• Create stored procedures to support retrieval of the data from the database, using SELECT statements to accomplish the following:

o Aggregate (group) functions (count, avg, min, max, sum)

- Write 4 queries using group functions.

o Group By

- Write 2 queries using the Group By, Having, and Order By syntax.

o Simple queries

- Write 4 queries that manipulate data in 1 table.

o Join queries

- Write 4 queries that join 2 or more tables.

• Add this section to the SQL Statements section of your database system plan.

Reference no: EM131698407

Questions Cloud

Discuss charles bernsteins- of time and the line : One topic of Charles Bernstein's "Of time and the line" is poetry itself, just as language is a topic
Influence the lives of others positively or negatively : What made each an effective leader? 2. How did each influence the lives of others positively or negatively?
Find the next day after incubation : How many colonies do you expect to find next day after incubation at 370C? Can you count these colonies? Can you use this plate for determining concentration?
How strong is the model fit overall : Develop fitted forecasts for all possible periods (including 2017) for the percentage of winning games (PCT) using the data from 2000-2017.
Create stored procedures to support retrieval of the data : Create stored procedures to support retrieval of the data from the database, using SELECT statements to accomplish the Aggregate (group) functions.
Discuss why do you think supplements have become so popular : Why do you think supplements have become so popular in the last 10 years. Do you feel that their popularity will continue to grow. Why or why not
What are the functions of dna gyrase : What are the functions of DNA gyrase, DNA ligase, and DNA polymerase?
Standard cellular respiration : In your discussion post include the name of the pathway, the reactants and the products, what organisms commonly utilize this pathway
What do you currently understand about microbiology : What do you currently understand about microbiology? (be sure to cite your information)


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