Reference no: EM13971176
Programming Assignment-
Programming Assignment illustrates the use of user-defined static (class) methods that do and don't return values. The program calls four static methods that break up tasks into logical groupings. Each method performs a different action: One displays the title, another performs input, a third method performs a calculation and displays a result, and another terminates the program.
This project is designed to introduce the use of user-defined static methods in the Visual C# console environment. Specific objectives are to develop skills with respect to:
· Using correct naming conventions
· Creating static methods with and without return values
· Calling static methods with and without arguments
· Casting data types
· Proper internal documentation
· Correct indentation and use of white space for readability
· Use of format specifiers and tokens
1. Create a new project.
2. Project Type (Visual C#)
3. Template (Console Application)
4. Name (PA03LastNameFirstInitial)
5. Rename the Program.cs file to CalculateApp.cs
6. Include your name, course and section, the class file name, and a brief description of the program (in that order) in a multi-line comment at the very top of your code (above the first "using" statement.
7. Include internal documentation using inline comments as appropriate. Remember you can copy the pseudocode below and use it as your comments.
8. When completely finished and ready for grading, add your full solution folder to the J: drive and attach your class file then click the Submit button in BB Learn prior to the deadline
Example of Program Output - (your output should match closely)
Main() Method
· Declare the following variables:
o numerator - integer
o denominator - integer
o answer - double
· Call a method to display the title
· Call a method to prompt the user for an integer and assign it to your numerator
· Call a method to prompt the user for an integer and assign it to your denominator
· Display a horizontal line
· Call a method to perform the division (pass 2 arguments to the method) and store the result into your answer variable
· Display the result on the screen (show 4 decimal places like in the screenshot example). Hint:
o Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1} = {2:N4}", numerator, denominator, answer);
o (The:N4after the token will display the answer with 4 decimal places.)
· Display a horizontal line
· Call a method to end the program
DisplayTitle() Method (your method identifier should match)
· (This method should take in no parameters and return no values)
· Change the foreground and background color
· Clear the console
· Display the title
· Display a horizontal line
InputInteger() Method (your method identifier should match)
· (This method should take in no parameters and return an integer)
· Declare a variable to hold the integer value input by the user
· Prompt the user to enter an integer
· Store the integer in the variable
· Return the integer
PerformDivision() Method (your method identifier should match).
· (This method should take in two parameters and return a double)
· (Do not use numerator and denominator as your parameter identifiers)
· Return the solution to the division of the two parameters
· If your answer is not showing decimal places, remember to cast the two operands as a double. Hint:
o return (double) number1 / (double) number2;
TerminateProgram() Method (your method identifier should match)
· (This method should take in no parameters and return no values)
· Display a prompt to have the user press any key to terminate the program
· Pause execution until the user presses any key