Create stability for roman empire

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Reference no: EM133327939


1. Castles were difficult to take due to which of the following reasons?

a. Moats

b. Murder holes and arrow slits

c. Boiling oil and iron gates

d. Placed at key strategic points

e. All of these

2. Cultural aspects of life in the Middle Ages included all of the following EXCEPT?

a. High standard of living for most people

b. Traveling fairs

c. Feasts

d. Falconry

e. Jousts and tournaments

3. Which of the following was NOT one of Augustus's reforms to create stability for the Roman Empire?

a. Creation of a civil service to fight fires and police the streets

b. Disbanded the Senate in order to prevent endless infighting

c. Gave himself full control of the army under his personal command

d. Created the Praetorian Guard to protect the emperors

e. Establishment of colonies for his veterans to settle the provinces

4. Which of the following was NOT a way Diocletian kept the Roman Empire together during the third century C.E. crisis?

a. Large purges of Muslims to vent the public's anger

b. Price fixing, wage freezes and higher taxes to pay for Rome's armies

c. Two emperors and two junior emperors to reorganize the bureaucracy

d. Split the empire into four parts

e. Required men to take up the same occupations as their fathers to alleviate the labor shortage

5. These people conquered England following the Romans and lasted until the Norman conquest in 1066 C.E.

a. Anglo-Saxons

b. Irish

c. Danes

d. Britons

e. French

6. Which was NOT a feature of Justinian's reign?

a. Rebuilding of the Hagia Sophia to greater splendor

b. Codification of Roman law

c. Massive riots over chariot racing

d. Attempts to reunite the old Roman Empire via conquest

e. Iconoclasm controversy

7. Which was NOT a lasting legacy of the Byzantine Empire?

a. Preservation of thousands of Classical texts and ideas from the ancient world.

b. The Byzantines were a shield that protected Christian Europe from Islamic domination

c. Preservation of Roman legacies such as law, administration and military tactics

d. Introduction of Orthodox Christianity into Russia along with the Cyrillic alphabet

e. Protected thousands of icons during the iconoclasm controversy

8. Why did the Byzantine Empire fall?

a. Loss of the empire's homelands in Turkey

b. Religious schisms among those who venerated images of Christ and those who wanted to destroy them

c. Rise of Islam and schism with the West

d. Faction fighting among emperors and civil war

e. All of these

9. Charlemagne's legacies to Christian Europe include all of the following EXCEPT?

a. He created the modern nations of England, France, and Germany

b. Defeat of numerous barbarians who threatened the empire

c. Use of knights to dominate the battlefield

d. Rotation of officials to reduce corruption

e. Patron of arts and learning

10. Acquiring great wealth and power, this knightly order was disbanded in 1307 due to "heresy."

a. Santiago

b. Templars

c. Columbus

d. Hospitallers

e. All of these

Reference no: EM133327939

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