Create sql statements for the scenarios

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13722411

Create SQL statements for the following scenarios. Your response should include SQL statement, output and any other assumptions you have made to arrive at the solution.

a. For Colorado customers compute the average amount of their orders and the number of orders placed. The result should include the customer number, customer last name, average order amount and the number of orders placed.

b. For Colorado customers compute the number of unique products ordered. If a product is purchased on multiple orders, it should be counted only one time. The result should include customer number, customer last name and the number of unique products ordered.

c. For each employee with a commission less than 0.04, compute the number of orders taken and the average number of products per order. The results should include the employee number, employee last name, number of orders taken and the average number of products per order.

d. For each Connex product compute the number of unique customers who ordered the product in Jan 2007. The results should include the product number, product name and the number of unique customers.

Reference no: EM13722411

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