Create some jobs to control show the multi - tasking

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Reference no: EM132081371

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Using the terminal in Ubuntu

Control jobs for multi - tasking

a) Create some jobs

i) Type "cat" command in the terminal , and press ctrl - c to terminate it. Type "jobs" command and you will see nothing.

ii) Type "cat" command in the terminal, and press ctrl - z to stop it (suspend it) . Use "jobs" command and what do you see?

iii) Execute some command in the background using the &, for example : nano &

iv) Execute another command (for example, "man nano ") and press ctrl - z to stop it.

v) Use the "jobs" command to see all jobs. Take a screenshot of the terminal which clearly shows all jobs ( Screenshot 8 - 1 ).

b) Switch between jobs

i) Use the "fg" command to bring a stopped job to foreground. By default it is the one with the "+" sign (see jobs command output)

ii) Or we can specifically use "fg [job - number]" to bring any jobs to foreground. For example, "fg 3". See the job number from the "jobs" command output .

iii) Use ctrl - z to stop a job and send it to background

iv) Practice switching between the "nano" job and the "man nano" job.

c) Kill the "cat" job (terminate it)

i) kill %1 ii) Verify using the "jobs" command . Take a screenshot of the terminal which clearly shows all jobs ( Screenshot 8 - 2 ).

Reference no: EM132081371

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