Create software to perform advanced geometric calculations

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1388484

You are hired by the engineering company to create software which performs advanced geometric calculations. Your new boss asked you to create the application which permits engineers to compute hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle. For this, you require to use Pythagorean theorem. Application must also permit user to perform a cylinder volume calculation.

Pythagorean theorem formula:
a2 + b2 = c2

Cylinder volume formula:
Cylinder volume = p * r2 * h

Remember p is equal to 3.14.

* Permit user to enter value of "a" and the value of "b" to compute c.
* Use NumericUpdown controls for both a and b to permit user to enter values.
* Use NumericUpdown controls to enter value of "r" and "h" in cylinder volume calculation.
* Show result in a text box and set it as read-only.
* Make group box with two radio buttons which would permit user to select which calculation to do (Pythagorean theorem or cylinder volume).
* Create Calculate button the Accept button.
* Make a Clear button that will clear the result text box and reset both NumericUpdown controls.
* Make Exit button.
* Use labels to recognize input and output controls and change label text value according to radio button selected.

Reference no: EM1388484

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