Reference no: EM133186576
Task - Loading A Maze from a File
For this task, we will build on some of the things from the previous task and use them to read a maze in from a file. This time the task will be completed in Python. To complete this task you will need to create simple versions of the Location and GameMap classes from the previous task. To be clear about the (small) distinction, they will be call Position and Maze. You will also need to create a function called read_maze which will be the main unit tested.
There is also a __main__ section in which you can write your own testing code, but this is not assessed.
You will need to complete the class Position. This class will not be directly tested, and you may implement it in any manner you see fit as long as it has the following two methods:
has_direction which is an instance method and takes a str as a parameter. It should return True if the Position has a path in the direction indicated by the parameter and False if it doesn't.
is_exit which is an instance method and takes no other parameters. It should return True if the Position is an exit and False otherwise. A Position is an exit if it is on the edge of the map and there is a path leading off that edge. This should be determined at the point the Position is created and stored, rather than attempting to compute it when the method is called.
The class also comes with a list called symbols that contains the symbols the input will be expressed in. A line leading to an edge indicates a path in that direction, where "north" is up.
You will also need to complete the class Maze. As with Position this class will not be directly tested, and you are free to implement the class as you see fit as long as it has the following methods:
get_position which is an instance method that takes two additional parameters that are numbers representing coordinates in the maze. The coordinates are in the order row then column and (0, 0) is the top left. The method should return the Position at those coordinates in the Maze, if such a Position exists and None otherwise.
get_height which is an instance method that returns the "height" of the maze (the number of rows).
get_width which is an instance method that returns the "width" of the maze (the number of columns).
The read_maze function is the core function of the task. It is not associated with a class, and takes a single parameter which will be a str containing the filename to be read.
The filename will contain a rectangular maze. Each line in the file is a row in the maze, and is terminated by n. A line may include whitespace, so be cautious about aggressively stripping whitespace from lines (looking up the documentation for the strip() function may be informative, but it is not the only way to deal with this problem). Each line will have the same length, which is the number of columns.
Each individual symbol represents a position. If the symbol has a line leading to an edge, there is a path in that direction, where "north" is up. A position is an exit if it is at the edge of the maze and there is a path to the edge.
The read_maze function should read this information in from the file, and construct a Maze and suitable Positions that correctly represent the input, and return this Maze.
import sys
class Position:
symbols = [" ", "?", "?", "+", "?", "-", "+", "-", "?", "+", "¦", "¦",
"+", "-", "+", "+"]
def has_direction(self, direction):
return False
def is_exit(self):
return False
class Maze:
def get_position(self, x, y):
return None
def get_height(self):
return 0
def get_width(self):
return 0
def read_maze(filename):
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
#You can do whatever you want here.