Create simple argument visualisation using mindmup software

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Reference no: EM132305614

Assessment 3 - Argument visualisation


Assessment items 3 & 4 are linked. In Assessment 3 you will create a simple argument visualisation using MindMup software. In Assessment 4 you will produce a short essay which details the argument you construct in your argument visualisation (this assessment).

Your lecturer will provide a few links for relevant articles and/or case studies as the basis for your Argument Visualisation. These will be available to you just after your second assignment submission date.

Follow these instructions to complete the task:

• Choose one of the media articles or case studies listed by the lecturer in your Interact 2 subject site. Use the title of the article/case study provided in interact 2 as the title of your argument visualisation so that the lecturer knows which article you are analysing.

• Undertake further research about your chosen case, to assist you in analysing it in your argument visualisation (and in your essay in Assessment 4).

• Identify some logical arguments based on the four classical ethical theories including utilitarianism, deontology, contract, and virtue.

• Construct an argument visualisation using MindMup software. Your visualisation should contain the conclusion, and all of the reasons and objections supporting that conclusion.
• Your argument visualisation should present a logical argument for your subsequent essay in Assessment 4. Your essay will develop these arguments based on a deeper analysis of the ethical issues.
• Your essay should contain all of the arguments contained in your visualisation, and you should not introduce new arguments in your essay that are not in your visualisation.
• When you have completed your visualisation, download as a .pdf file and submit via turnitin
N.B. You are not required to provide references in your visualisation, however your subsequent essay in Assessment 4 should be fully referenced.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to apply ethical theories to ethical problems.
• be able to analyse ethical situations using critical thinking techniques.

This assessment extends the skills practiced in Assessment item 1 and 2, to help you to achieve all the learning objectives.
In addition to identifying a contentious situation in ICT and dissecting the argument(s) about it, you must also now demonstrate the ability to evaluate the elements of the argument by introducing classical ethical principles where appropriate.

Since Assessment item 1 and 2, your knowledge will have grown, and you will now realise that almost all ICT ethical dilemmas can be classified under one of the main ICT ethical issues that are discussed in this subject; for instance, surveillance is a sub-issue of privacy, harmful software is a sub-issue of ICT professionalism, and piracy is a sub-issue of intellectual property.

In ICT, the main ethical issues are taken to be:
• ICT professionalism
• Privacy
• Security
• Cyber-crime
• Intellectual property
• Regulation on the internet
• Social inclusion
• Community and identity
• Pervasive and convergent computing.

The assessment item is designed to help you to build skills towards achieving the learning objectives, by requiring you to:
• identify an ICT-related ethical issue from a media article or case study;
• apply classical ethical theory to the analysis of an ethically questionable situation to determine the rightness or wrongness of actions/decisions made therein;
• derive logical and justifiable conclusions to resolve the ethical issue(s);and,
• present the argument in a visual format.

Assessment 4

In Assessment 3 you created a simple argument visualisation using MindMup software. In Assessment 4 you will produce a short essay which details the argument you constructed in your argument visualisation (Assessment 3).

Your lecturer will provide few links for relevant articles and/or case studies. These will be available to you just after your second assignment submission date.

• Write an essay based on your argument visualisation created in Assessment 3 and the media article or case study you selected in Assessment 3. Use the title of the article/case study provided in interact 2 as the title of your essay, so that the lecturer knows which article you are analysing.

• Undertake further research about your chosen case, to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your essay.

• Analyse the article/case study from the perspective of four classical ethical theories including utilitarianism, deontology, contract, and virtue. Your essay should present well-reasoned arguments for your assessments and recommendations.

• You should not introduce new arguments in your essay that were not contained in your argument visualisation, and your essay should contain all of the arguments contained in your visualisation.

• Write an overall conclusion that justifies your recommendations made in your essay.

• Include a Reference list at the end of your work, in the correct APA referencing style, corresponding to in-text citations. The word limit for the essay is 1000 words +/-10%. Headings, citations and references do not count towards the word limit, but quotations do.This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to identify ethical issues related to ICT.
• be able to assess the implications of ethical problems.
• be able to critically evaluate solutions to ethical problems.
• be able to apply ethical theories to ethical problems.
• be able to argue consistently and rationally about the moral issues raised by the adoption and use of ICT.
• be able to analyse ethical situations using critical thinking techniques.

This assessment extends the skills practiced in Assessment item 1 and 2, to help you to achieve all the learning objectives.

In addition to identifying a contentious situation in ICT and dissecting the argument(s) about it, you must also now demonstrate the ability to evaluate the elements of the argument by introducing classical ethical principles where appropriate.

Since Assessment item 1 and 2, your knowledge will have grown, and you will now realise that almost all ICT ethical dilemmas can be classified under one of the main ICT ethical issues that are discussed in this subject; for instance, surveillance is a sub-issue of privacy, harmful software is a sub-issue of ICT professionalism, and piracy is a sub-issue of intellectual property.

In ICT, the main ethical issues are taken to be:
• ICT professionalism
• Privacy
• Security
• Cyber-crime
• Intellectual property
• Regulation on the internet
• Social inclusion
• Community and identity
• Pervasive and convergent computing.
The assessment item is designed to help you to build skills towards achieving the learning objectives, by requiring you to:
• identify an ICT-related ethical issue from a media article or case study;
• apply classical ethical theory to the analysis of an ethically questionable situation to determine the rightness or wrongness of actions/decisions made therein;
• derive logical and justifiable conclusions to resolve the ethical issue(s);and,
• apply proper academic referencing.


Verified Expert

This task is really defined to provide an explanation for the capabilities of mobile App Threats and Spoofing and as well how the era emerged is going to be a boon or a curse to mankind.This precise subject matter is defined on the premise of moral Theories.So every and each point is discussed on this foundation only.In mobile app threats and spoofing idea every app ought to be constructed with extra safety functions so has to keep away from loss of facts.hand-held gadgets use various app for various functions, so it's far enormously critical to follow this approach at the same time as building the app so that person might also get benefited.

Reference no: EM132305614

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5/14/2019 9:26:50 PM

Criteria Standards High Distinction (HD) Classical Ethical Theory (Value 50%) Demonstrates an excellent ability at applying ethical theories to the ethical issues. Argument Visualisation (Value 50%) Argument visualisation features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, concisely, unambiguously using appropriate visualisation techniques with no argument construction errors. No mistakes in grammar or spelling.


5/14/2019 9:26:36 PM

Conclusion (Value 10%) Superior conclusion that ties the results of the analysis together into a coherent, logically valid & convincing argument. Referencing (Value 10%) Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA style conventions.


5/14/2019 9:26:31 PM

Criteria Standards High Distinction (HD) Classical Ethical Theory (Value 60%) Demonstrates an excellent ability at applying ethical theories to the ethical issues. Writing & structure (Value 20%) Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, concisely, unambiguously, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.

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