Create set of cases for accompanying dentist office system

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13984480

Create a set of use cases for the accompanying dentist office system, but do not bother to identify the steps within each use case. (Just complete the information at the top of the use case form.) When new patients are seen for the first time, they complete a patient information form that asks for their name, address, phone number, and brief medical history, which are stored in the patient information file.

When a patient calls to schedule a new appointment or change an existing appointment, the receptionist checks the appointment file for an available time. Once a good time is found for the patient, the appointment is scheduled. If the patient is a new patient, an incomplete entry is made in the patient file; the full information will be collected when the patient arrives for the appointment. Because appointments are often made far in advance, the receptionist usually mails a reminder postcard to each patient two weeks before the appointment.

Reference no: EM13984480

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