Reference no: EM13842091
Scenario and Summary
MySQL, like many other databases, uses the combination of specific user definitions, privileges, and roles to control access to the data in the database. In turn, it provides various layers of security. When the database is first created, there are several users created for the purpose of not only installing various components of the database, but also to manage and administer the database functionality. You have already used administrative role users in previous labs. In this lab, you will be creating a series of different users, administering various privileges to those users, and exploring how roles help provide additional functionality to the user picture.
It could be achieved in two ways:
1) Using command line to access MySQL directly;
2) Using MySQL Workbench User and Privileges option.
Be sure to save all screenshots on Terminal and MySQL Workbench while executing your SQL code when working on the lab.
Part 1: Using CommandLine on Terminal
a) Add two new users. Grant super user access to one and read-only access to all tables in the database to the second user (Step1, Step 2, and Step 3).
To prove the super-user access for User 1, please write query to SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE from any created table and show successful results.
To prove the read-only access for User 2, please write query to SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE from any created table. SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE from any created table(Note: Only SELECT query will be eligible.)
Sample of commands to check access:
Mysql>show databases; - will list database names;
Mysql>use database name; - Access allowed or denied.
Add screenshots to Report.
b) Modify access of the second user by adding update access to Employee table (Step 4).Add screenshots to Report.
To prove the UPDATE privilege, please login again as User 2 and update COMM column in Employee table.
MYSQL> UPDATE Employee SET COMM = 0.1;
Assignment Step
Step 1
Creating a new user using command line on Terminal
Step 2
Finding information on users
Step 3
Finding user privileges
Step 4
Changing user specifications
Part 2: Using MySQL Workbench
Assignment Step
Step 1
Creating a new user using MySQL Workbench
Step 2
Finding information on users
Step 3
Finding user privileges
Step 4
Changing user specifications. Assigning users to a role
Step 5
Listing privileges associated with a role
Yourlab session, showing any queries, create statements, or other SQL code, and the resulting return from the database--should be placed in a single file called yourname_Lab_3.txt to submit to the Dropbox for the Week 3 iLab.
This is a difficult assignment to grade, so please combine multiple outputs in a single document in the order of execution. Addition of headings for each step helps clarity. Also, please trim out any errors and unnecessary content.
Part 1: Using command line on Terminal
STEP 1: Creating a new user using command line on Terminal
To start, launch Start,choose MySQL 5.6 Command Line Client - Unicode
Enter password: Enter your password, which you've created during installation;Press Enter;
We'll check the existing users by:
Mysql> select Host, User from mysql.user;
Your response will look like this:
------------------ ----------------------- root
Localhost student1
Now, to add new user:
Mysql> CREATE USER ‘username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ‘password';
Press Enter.
Please note: Username and password are in a single quotes. Statement is ended with semicolon.
Please add before and after screenshots to the Report.
STEP 2:Finding information on users
To verify currently defined users, write and execute the query to display the following information:
Mysql>select Host, User from mysql.user;
And the result set will include a newly created user.
------------------ --------------- root
Localhost student1
Localhost student2
Please add Before and After screenshots to the Report.
STEP 3: Finding User Privileges
Creating a user doesn't give any access to databases.
We have to grant the privileges to the user.
For example, command below grants ‘super user' privileges:
Mysql> GRANT ALL on *.* TO ‘user name'@‘localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Press Enter.
Where ALL - all privileges;
*.* - to all databases, all tables;
Mysql>flush privileges;
Press Enter.
To remove user:
Mysql>DROP USER ‘user name'@'localhost'; Press Enter.
To show all users and their privileges:
Mysql>select * from mysqluser;
Press Enter.
To show privileges:
Mysql>show grants for ‘username'@'localhost';
The result set will include grants for user and encrypted password.
Please add Before and After screenshots to the Report.
STEP 4: Changing User Specifications
Command below grants user with UPDATE privilege to Employee table:
Mysql> GRANT UPDATE on *.Employee TO ‘user name'@‘localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Press Enter.
*.Employee - to all databases, Employee table;
Mysql>flush privileges;
Press Enter.
To show grants, login again and type command:
Mysql>show grants for ‘username'@'localhost';
The result set will include grants for user and encrypted password.
Please add Before and After screenshots to the Report.
Part 2: Using MySQL Workbench
a) Add twonew users. Grant ‘super user' access to one and read-only access to all tables in the database to the second user (Step1, Step 2, and Step 3).
To prove the super user access for User 1, please write query to SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE from any created table and show successful results.
To prove the read-only access for User 2, please write query to SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE from any created table. (Note: Only SELECT query will be eligible.DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE will result in an access denied message.)
Add screenshots to Report.
b) Modify access of the second user by adding update access to Employee table (Step 4).
Add screenshots to Report.
To prove the UPDATE privilege, please log in again as User 2 and update COMM column in Employee table.
MYSQL> UPDATE Employee SET COMM = 0.1;
STEP 1: Creating a new user using MySQL Workbench
To start, launch Start,choose MySQL Workbench, Press Enter.
Choose your schema on Home page to connect to MySQL Server.
Enter password; Press OK.
On the left part of the screen,under the Schema, choose your database schema.
Under the Management, click User and Privileges, Enter password to connect to MYSQL Server.
Screen Administration: User and Privileges allows you to add a new user.
Click Add Account button and fill required information in Login screen.
Repeat for the second user.
Please add screenshots to the Report.
STEP 2: Finding information on users.
STEP 3: Finding user privileges.
STEP 5: Listing privileges associated with a role.
Complete Account Limits,Administrative Roles, and Schema Privileges tabs for User 1 and User 2.
Please add screenshots to the Report.
STEP 4: Changing user specifications. Assigning users to a role.
Add UPDATE privilege on Administrative Roles tab for User 2.
Please add screenshots to the Report.
STEP 6: Verifying role content.
Click on Create a new SQL tab for executing query (located on the left corner below the File tab) to start new Query page.
Please prove super user privilege for user 1 by writing and executing SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE statements.
To prove the UPDATE privilege for User 2, log in again as User 2 and update COMM column in Employee table.
UPDATE Employee SET COMM = 0.1;