Create report showing all students first name and last name

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131085361


Create a database: LastName_FirstName_Final

1. Using Access, create two tables and name them LastName_FirstName_STUDENTS and LastName_FirstName_Degrees.

2. Create the following fields for the LastName_FirstName_STUDENTS table:

a. STUDENTID = Text (field size 6) - primary key -
b. First Name = Text (field size 25)
c. Last Name = Text (field size 25)
d. Date of Birth = Date/Time
e. Street Address = Text (field size 30)
f. City = Text (field size 20)
g. State = Text (field size 2)
h. Zip Code = Text (field size 10) Use the Input Mask Wizard to specify a nine-digit Zip Code. (Hint: At the first Input Mask Wizard Dialog Box, click Zip Code in the Input Mask list box.)
i. Phone Number =? (use Input Mask)
j. DegreelD = Text (field size 5)

3. Key in at least 7 records. Make sure you use different Zip Code and DegreelD.

4. Create the following fields for the LastName_FirstName_Degrees table:

a. DegreelD = Text (field size 5)
b. Description = Text (field size 50)
c. TotalCredit = Number

5. Key in at least 3 records. Make sure you use: BUSIN, COSCI as FINAN.

6. Save both tables.

7. Create a report showing all students First Name, Last name, DegreeID, and TotalCredit.

8. Create a query showing all students who enrolled in COSCI degree. Show the students First Name, Last Name, Phone numbers, and DegreeID. Make sure only three records showing in the query. Save query as LastName_FirstName_COSCI_STUDENTS.

Reference no: EM131085361

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