Reference no: EM133055182
Learning Activity: Simple SELECT mi602_people database
Install the mi602_people database
MIS602_Module 3.1_mi602_people_database.sql
Work through the examples that are presented in the "Ask for Data from a Database" videos listed in the essential resources section to reinforce you learning:
Simpson, S. (2017, August 15). Learning SQL Programming [Video File].
In addition, create queries that utilize the following SQL capabilities
Filtering using
a list of values (SQL: IN)
date fields
comparison operators less than, greater than etc (SQL: <, >, <=, >=, <>, !=)
perform a mathematical calculation
field concatenation (SQL: concat)
Changing columns headings ie column alias
Create combinations of the above. E.g. find the state of people named ‘Gerald' who were born between 13th August 1989 and 1st Feb 1990 who don't belong to a company and have a blue shirt. Challenge the person next to you with the same information requests and see if they come up with the same queries.