Create project proposal document stating the basic elements

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13963279

Milestone 1: Site Selection And Layout Design

A. Create a Project Proposal document stating the basic elements that you will include in your website. Include a cover sheet with your name, course, and week number. The body of your report must include

• site title;
• developer;
• rationale or focus of the site;
• outline of main elements;
• content;
• target audience;
• design considerations; and
• limiting factors.

B. Prepare a site map using a diagramming application, such as Visio, including

• layout of the site (identify all pages and their relationships);
• page filenames (use ISO standard naming conventions);
• links between pages (show the relationships using arrows); and
• navigation structure (choose which type of navigation structure best suits your topic).

In the diagramming application, use the Save As option to create an image file (jpg, gif, or png) of your site. Copy this image file into your Project Proposal document.

Upon completion, name your single, MS Word document as lastname_CIS363_projectWk1.

Milestone 2-Page Layout Design

A. Create a site specification based on the information you developed in Milestone 1. Make sure to add

• a mission statement;
• how to measure site success;
• a description of the intended audience;
• how to determine user satisfaction; and
• technological issues that might influence site development.

B. Prepare a detailed page layout design in Visio, including

• a header area;
• a link area;
• a main content area; and
• a footer area.

This layout will be the main design template for all of the pages in your site. In future weeks, you will be altering the main content areas as needed.

Upon completion, name your single, MS Word document as lastname_CIS363_projectWk2.

Milestone 3: Implement Site Navigation

Based on the site map and page layout from Milestone 1, create all pages as per your site diagram. To do this, you must have the filenames of major site pages determined. You should have a home page (index.htm) and all of the subpages created. Navigation links between the site pages must function. The subpages do not need to have much content, but they must be created and contain the navigation elements and placeholder elements for your content. Begin to implement the box model with <div> tags and CSS.

Milestone 4: Implement Site Layout And Content

Based on the site, page layout, and navigation developed in prior steps, begin to add content to your site. Include appropriate typography, colors, and imagery. Begin to implement the box model through the use of <div> tags and CSS positioning. Use embedded CSS where appropriate.

Milestone 5: Implement Site Content And A User Feedback Form With Client-Side Validation

Create a user feedback form. Include all necessary controls (text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, text areas, dropdown lists, and buttons) to allow the user to effectively evaluate your site for usability, accessibility, and navigation. This form will be used in Milestone 7 to evaluate your site. Also, include client-side validation on key fields in the form.

Move all site and page-level styles to an external CSS file.

Reference no: EM13963279

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