Create project focused on generating employee participation

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132464222

Assignment: Overview: Create a project focused on generating employee participation in a cause or movement in the office (ex. influenza immunizations, hand washing). You will emphasize ways to encourage employee participation in an initiative to make the work place a healthier environment for everyone. You may offer different incentives to help motivate participation among the employees, such as: gift cards, days off, etc. You may choose between creating a PowerPoint or pamphlet. Select any topic focused on enhancing the safety or quality of the workplace. You must support the goal of the project and any assertions with at least 3 scholarly resources, the course textbook, and the Bible making for a total of 5 scholarly references in current APA format.

Option 1: PowerPoint Presentation

The presentation must include 8-10 slides. Each slide must have at least 150 words in the notes area (not on the slide itself) detailing what is on each slide. An additional slide listing all references in current APA format must be included. Images may be incorporated where appropriate, but they must be cited (cite them as an internet source). The title and reference slides do not count as part of the required 8-10 slides.

Option 2: Pamphlet

Create a unique pamphlet that highlights the focus of your project. You pamphlet must include at least 750 words of text. A separate reference page in current APA format must be submitted with the pamphlet. Images may be incorporated where appropriate, but they must be cited. If the program the pamphlet is created in is not Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, save the file as a PDF document. Your instructor may not have the program you create your pamphlet in and if that is the case, will not be able to open the document. Therefore, PDF format is required for any pamphlet created in a program other than Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.

Reference no: EM132464222

Questions Cloud

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Create project focused on generating employee participation : Create a project focused on generating employee participation in a cause or movement in the office (ex. influenza immunizations, hand washing).
Should management have done more planning : Please read the case and answer the following questions: Should management have done more planning? Was the training effective? Why or why not?
Identify the qualitative data analysis methods in brief : Use the unit readings to identify 2 qualitative data analysis methods. Describe each method, and compare and contrast how they differ from one another.
What is the role and background of the author of the article : Find an article discussing the key characteristics of a successful manager. Post a link to the article in the discussion thread and provide a summary.
Create an employee benefits brochure and booklet : To prepare for the employee who will be occupying the role, create an employee benefits brochure/booklet that you would present to new employees during.


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