Create program that creates a series of random two-d objects

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131373639


1. Questions are deliberately not weighted, because I want to see how well people do with them and I'll adjust weighting based on that.

For all parts you should use screenshots and provide a text description of your testing and tell me what you think works. If I cannot run things at home you may need to show me your program running in my office on a laptop or provide a video.

Part 1: Largely based on lab1. Create a program (WebGL, OpenGL, or DirectX) that creates a series of random 2D or 3D objects about 5-10 is probably good but you may need more or less to see what you're doing, they should wrap around the edges of the screen (both top and bottom and sides).

Objects should randomly translate, scale, rotate, and shear (though not all at once generally) and preserve this state as they move around. Don't pick values that are so crazy you can't see any of this happening on screen. Randomly colour them as well. Shear doesn't really do anything visible to certain shapes (basically anything sphereish).

Note: Don't try and handle collisions between objects. The hard part is making them wrap.

Part 2: Write a program to properly compute Bresenham'sline drawing algorithm for a 3D line projected onto any of the 4 possible parts of a grid. Format for this question. Assume the input line starts at the origin, and that the grid is no more than from the range (-10: +10) in both X and Y. The user should be able to input a 3D coordinate of form x, y, z, and the program should output which cells will be solid as a list of the form.


This is a math question where you're writing a program to solve it. You can use any programming language you want.

Part 3.Write a program in any language of your choosing that will convert coordinates from Cartesian to barycentric, or barycentric to Cartesian. Assume that you are given A, B, C and P, in one case, or that A, is 0,10, B (0,0) and C (10,0) in the other.

Part 4:This will be based on lab 2. Write a program that creates a fairly large square (say the size of the screen or when in doubt 1920x 1080). Map a 2D image onto that square in 4 different ways. First, centred (leaving a border). Second tiled (basically repeat the mapped image on a grid until it fills up), and lastly stretched or shrunk (e.g. take a 100x100 image and blow it up to full size, or take a really big image and shrink it down). I fully expect that the stretched/shrunk image might look like crap. I don't really care what image you use. I will test it with my own images (and no I won't tell you the dimensions).

Reference no: EM131373639

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