Create professional menu for quality food outlet

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133599253

Part I

You are required to create a professional menu for a quality food outlet. When choosing food options for the menu you need to take into account the following points, and give a full explanation of your decisions in relation to each point accordingly.

1. Explain the type of client that you have decided this menu is aimed at. Give sociodemographic information.

2. How have you decided the range of dishes available? Things to consider are dietary requirements, time of day serving, dine in/take out, seasonal dishes etc.

3. Explain your thinking for the number of menu options on offer? Consider financial costs, kitchen management, staffing, etc.

4. Explain your marketing approach for the menu. What media will you use to disseminate it? How often will the menu be revised and why?

5. Describe how you will organize customer feedback for the menu. List the approaches you would use to gather information.

Part II

The visual design of a menu is very important to reflect the quality and style of a food outlet. Design your menu and explain your approach, answering the following points:

1. What was the design approach to the menu? Consider how it reflects the theme, style of class of the food outlet.

2. Does the menu take into account clients with disabilities, such as hard of sight? Is there a digital version?

3. Have you considered cost efficiencies in design menu? For example, print or digital, or both? What other means of presentation can you think of.

Reference no: EM133599253

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