Create presentations using cascading style sheets and dhtml

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131514183


One Web page and one Cascading Style Sheet (.css), including the image file.Imagine that you have just started your own freelancing business. You have been hired to create a Web page for a company of your choice that announces the item of the week, month, or year. (e.g., Car of the Year, Pet of the Month, Sandwich of the Week, etc.)

Create a Cascading Style Sheet (.css) that applies a minimum of background color and font.

Create one Web page and a heading tag that overrides the Cascading Style Sheet (.css) font settings and makes the font of the heading different from the rest of the page.

The page must also include:

An image depicting the item of the week, month, or year.

At least three hyperlinks to Websites of associated interest to the item and a brief description of what they are about.

At the bottom of the page, create a link that would allow the user to email you with questions using the mailto: tag and your email address.

Note: When the email opens the subject line should automatically say, "More Information Please".

Create a footer displaying the Copyright symbol (using the character entity reference), the year, and your name.

Include a piece of JavaScript in the page.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Describe the structure of the World Wide Web as interconnected hypertext documents.

Create and validate HTML documents.

Create presentations using Cascading Style Sheets and DHTML.

Summarize Web standards in terms of specifications, guidelines, software, and tools.

Write clearly and concisely about Web design and development using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.


Reference no: EM131514183

Questions Cloud

Identify what tool could be used and give an example : In the cells identify what tool could be used and give an example from the labs, videos, or readings of how to use the tool.
What edition of windows will be used for each server : What edition of Windows will be used for each server (e.g., Standard, Datacenter)? Will Server Core be used on any servers? Where are each of servers located?
Requirements and scope document for development : In this assignment, you will create a Requirements and Scope document for this development. Complete the following:
Progression of an infection to bacteraemia : Progression of an infection to bacteraemia in immuno-suppressed mice - Write a scientific report using the correct conventions
Create presentations using cascading style sheets and dhtml : Create presentations using Cascading Style Sheets and DHTML. Summarize Web standards in terms of specifications, guidelines, software, and tools.
How you intend to use technology to complete the project : A written outline of how you intend to use technology and why you chose that particular technology to complete the project
Disaster recovery-forensics-security : How much testing of your Disaster Recovery Plan is necessary? How often should it be done? How deep should the test be? Why?
Identify the data types and sizes for all attributes : Select database management system (Oracle, SQL Server, MYSQL, etc) and identify the data types and sizes for all attributes.
Database assignment-hotel reservations : Using the logical design of the database project you have been working on in Weeks One, Two, and Three, create an Oracle® database that meets your logical.


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