Reference no: EM131590246
Assignment: On the Job
Information workers add value to data by organizing, selecting, displaying, communicating, interpreting, and using data to support decisions. On the Job exercises simulate a situation where you are given data, and your job is to add value to it using the skills you practiced in this chapter. Success in these exercises indicates that you have a valuable skill to offer an employer.
1. Orientation for Volunteers Presentation
In this On the Job exercise, the volunteer coordinator for the Southern Plantation Gardens has asked you to create slides for a brief orientation for volunteers. Refer to the email from the volunteer coordinator, and then, using the skills you have practiced in this chapter, organize the information that is provided in the Word document into a presentation.
I need a short overview presentation about Southern Plantation Gardens for volunteers interested in helping at the gardens. Please find my notes in the U2Ch08SPG file. The topics are listed randomly and need to be rearranged in a more logical sequence. Begin with a slide that provides an overview of the gardens, followed by volunteer opportunities, and end the presentation with a slide about benefits.
I have also included some pictures from the gardens that you can use in the presentation: U2Ch08Entryway, U2Ch08Gator, and U2Ch08Camellia. Use whichever images work best. I am counting on your good sense of style and creativeness to create a professional and appealing presentation.
1. Create a new presentation and save it in your Chapter08 folder as U2Ch08SPGStudentName
2. Follow the good design principles listed in the Fix It exercise.
3. Based on the Word file provided, create a six to eight slide presentation organized as indicated in the note from Samantha.
4. Add two or three images to the slides and at least one shape.
5. Include an appropriate theme and transitions.
6. Add the notes indicated in the Word file provided, and be sure the notes are large enough to read easily.
7. Remove any errors you encounter.
8. Include the file name in the footer of the handout page(s) and set it to print in grayscale. Include your name and the date and slide number in the footer of the slides.
9. Print the handout(s) and Notes pages or submit the file as directed by your instructor. Save the file and then close it.
Attachment:- Attachments.rar