Create presentation about a cloud-based office productivity

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM131676565

The Vice President of Sales for your company has asked you for more information on cloud-based office productivity suites. He tells you that the Sales team is often remote and needs to be able to stay connected to the office.

They need to be able to view price sheets, prepare memos and sales agreements, make presentations to clients, have access to their email and schedule, and attend meetings remotely. He asks you to present your productivity suite recommendation at next week's team meeting.

Create a 6- to 10-slide presentation about a cloud-based office productivity suite, identifying how each of the above needs can be met and the collaborative benefits provided by the suite.

Your presentation must include: A title slide (not included in the slide count) Appropriate and relative graphics or images Detailed speaker notes or recorded audio narration Instructions on how to add audio to Microsoft PowerPoint presentations can be found on the Microsoft Office Support site. A reference slide citing all resources used in presentation and speaking notes (not included in the slide count)

Note: Students may use a presentation software of their choice.

Verified Expert

The power point is based on cloud-based productivity suits. It has concentrated on different aspects of this operating system. It has discussed the benefits and way to use this system. Therefore, some recommendations have been presented to improve the organizational structure by using this technique and have described about various cloud-based products such as google drive, google docs and sheets etc.

Reference no: EM131676565

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