Create portfolio to record experience at childhood centre

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131944355 , Length: word count:500

Assessment - Portfolio

This portfolio assesses the following learning outcomes:

  • Assess the learning of infants, toddlers and young children with a range of observation techniques.
  • Identify communication skills for children and whanau from diverse cultural background.
  • Reflect on the implications of differing perspectives for own philosophy in an ECE setting.
  • Contribute to the provision of a rich early learning environment.

Instructions - Create a portfolio to record the following from your practical experience at an Early Childhood Centre:

1. Observation Techniques:

Observe three children of different ages using five observation techniques (a total of five observations).

Prior to the observation you will need to gain consent from the child's parent/caregiver and arrange how to share your observations with them.

Observe children's learning based on the five strands: Well-being, communication, contribution, exploration and belonging. Provide photos to support your data, if this is permitted by the ECC.

Ask your Associate Teacher to verify your observations (initial and date).

2. Learning Environment:

Create a physical plan on how you can help provide a rich learning environment for one of the children based on your initial observation findings of the child's strengths and interests. Present one page diagram or outline of your plan.

Choose three of the following learning areas: Blocks, Carpentry, Sandpit, Book corner, Family corner, free play area, Arts and crafts.

Identify culturally appropriate ways you can share the plan with the child, their whanau and your colleagues.

Implement the plan and document feedback from your associate teacher.

3. Reflection:

Evaluate your plan for the rich learning environment in Task 2 above. (How did you feel about your plan? How did the centre's/room's team respond to your plan?)

Compare the Early Childhood Centre's philosophy with your own philosophy. Explain how the similarities and differences impact on your own practice. Link your reflections to Te Whariki.

Word Count: Approx. 300-500 words.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131944355

Questions Cloud

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What is the probability that you would have to wait : What is the probability that you would have to wait more than 60 seconds?
Create portfolio to record experience at childhood centre : Create a portfolio to record the following from your practical experience at an Early Childhood Centre: Observation Techniques and Learning Environment
What role do cooperative strategies play in an organization : What role do cooperative strategies play in an organization? What role might they play in emerging strategic thinking about an organization's future?
Did the role models of marriage and motherhood : Did the role models of marriage and motherhood as perceived by 20 to 30 years old women in our society change; and if so, how did they change?
What is the margin of error for interval : Based on the sampled results, a 95% conservative confidence interval for p was found to be (0.62, 0.70). a. What is the margin of error for this interval?
Research question involving gender and gre scores : An effect research question involving gender and GRE scores; corresponding null and alternative hypotheses; the type of statistical analysis



4/16/2018 8:35:33 AM

You must achieve at least 50% in this portfolio. It contributes 30% to your final grade for the module. It is important to follow processes for gaining consent, and be transparent with centres and whanau." Need in 300-500 words . Attached PFA for sample. This is how to write observations please and the Te Whariki. Thank Flora. Compare the Early Childhood Centre's philosophy with your own philosophy. Explain how the similarities and differences impact on your own practice. Link your reflections to Te Whariki.

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