Create philosophy statement for Mountain View Health Center

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132254298 , Length: 4

Assignment - Philosophy, Goals, and Objectives

You examined mission and vision as the underpinning for strategic planning. As the quote drawing from a sound mission and vision allows the strategic planning process to proceed with the articulation of the organization's philosophy and development of goals and objectives.

In this assignment, you continue to examine the strategic planning process, with a focus on the development of a philosophy statement, goals, and objectives for an organization.

Learning Objectives -

  • Analyze the process of developing philosophy statements.
  • Analyze the significance of and distinctions between organizational goals and objectives.
  • Evaluate organizational philosophy statements.
  • Evaluate organizational goals and objectives.

Discussion: Developing a Philosophy, Goals, and Objectives

In this discussion, you create a philosophy statement, goals, and objectives for Mountain View Health Center, the organization.

You will continue to work within the same small group.

Instructions: Need 4 pages.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132254298

Questions Cloud

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