Reference no: EM132903752
Q1: The psychological contract is central to the employer-employee relationship and its strength and breach may have a significant impact on both employee and organisational performance. Critically evaluate course materials and recommended readings by Coyle-Shapiro, Costa, Doden, and Chang (2019), Parzefall and Coyle-Shapiro (2011), and Rousseau (2004).
Q2: The relationship between stress and employee performance is widely debated. Critically discuss the stress and employee performance relationship with reference to antecedents to stress, types of stressors (challenge and hindrance) and models of stress drawing upon course materials and recommended readings by Mark and Smith (2008).
Q3: According to the rational actor model of hiring decisions, employers will change their stereotyped beliefs about minority job applicants after having positive experiences with members of that minority group. According to the critique by Pager and Karafin's (2009) study, what do employers do in real life?
Q4: How do organisations create perceptions of Organisational Justice. Critically review the relative importance and interactional effects of Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice and Interactional Justice in the management of perceptions of justice in organisations, drawing upon course materials and recommended readings Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D. E., & Gilliland, S. W. (2007).
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