Reference no: EM131901221
Module Case Assignment: DUTY ETHICS
Case Assignment: Corporate and Organizational Ethics
The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility is an online periodical published quarterly since 1987 to promote ethical business practices among professionals.
· Start with an article published in the magazine and use it as a topic for a research paper.
In previous modules, you have been provided with templates that have specific and ordered subject headings. This time the organization of the submission is up to you, and only a basic template is provided. After three modules of work, you are prepared and ready for the challenge. Rise to the occasion and create a flowing and research-forward case that highlights your critical thinking and style.
Relying on a single resource is not adequate at this level of study. As a scholar and professional, you have a responsibility to support research with appropriate attribution. Every new point requires support. Today's leaders are required to have a broad knowledge base that they continue to develop throughout their careers and lives.
Assignment Expectations
Using at least two articles from the Trident Online Library's full-text databases (such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, and/or ProQuest Central), research the chosen topic and create a well-balanced 3- page submission that demonstrates evidence of critical thinking. Remember that this means your paper should not be just a summary of the articles and book chapters that you read, but rather an in-depth analysis that is supported by quality, graduate-level research.
Do not use any quotations. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in the third person; this means words like "I", "we," and "you" are not appropriate. For more information see Differences Between First and Third Person.
Your submission will include:
· Trident University International's cover page· A 3 page paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence introduction, body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)· The reference list page in APA format.