Create one scatter plot of the data

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Reference no: EM132268526


Create at least two visuals using your data from the data you chose in Week 2.

Create one scatter plot of the data, and apply a linear model (also known as a regression) in Excel®. Include the equation, R2 value, and prediction value on the visual.

Create one scatter plot of the data, and apply an exponential model in Excel®. Include the equation, R2 value, and prediction value on the visual.

Determine whether the linear or the exponential model is a better representation of your data to base your prediction on. Explain why the model you chose is a better representation of your data.

Hints for Making an Effective Chart:

Decide why you are making a chart from this data.

Title each chart so that it aligns with the data and selected model.

Create descriptive labels for both the x- and y axes.

Resize the chart as needed so it can be viewed easily.

Select the Assignment Files tab to submit your visuals as either an Excel® file or a Word document.

Attachment:- Scenario.rar

Reference no: EM132268526

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